Am I just getting old, or should I be a little pissed off

What if it's not the kids?

My next door crack head neighbors it's the parents.

I'm constantly cleaning empty fireworks casings out of my backyard.

The neighbor across the street gets up at 3AM to open the restaurant where he's head chef and starts prepping for breakfast service at 5:30.

He told the neighbors on no uncertain terms they were to shut the fireworks down at 10pm at the latest or he was gonna have a good old fashioned house burning party.

Every night they shut it down at 10 on the dot.

In the meantime, my Afghan vet neighbor on the other side of me wants to climb under his table with the first couple of fireworks they set off.

These idiots set them off at 3 in the afternoon because their stupid eight year (forgive me for using the term stupid with a child, but she is definitely a product of her brain fried parents) likes the noise, even though she can't see them.