STR-12 now available

MODS: Get Joey to make a sticky "ATTEN ALL MEMBERS!!"

"Please email Edelbrock and ask them nicely to consider a run of STR-12 manifolds"

Maybe if the whole internet got in on it, they might be able to sell 100...but, as I always say ; "Never underestimate the power of suggestion."
Couldn't hurt to try.

I have seen them for sale from time to time. They are neat, but not crazy money neat.
The WOW factor is definitely there, but by the time you add two carbs, linkages, an# other paraphernalia, they are out of my, and many other's price range.

I am curious how many are being run, and would love to see some on cars and hear from the owners.
What carbs are being used on them?
Air cleaners?
Hood clearance issues?
Performance comparisons vs. four barrel and six barrel setups?