Metal in fuel water seperator.

If you don't get out on a big lake, like one of the Great Lakes, you should be ok. I was out on the BIG LAKE once, Lake Michigan, when the boat kept dying on us, and there was a NE wind with 8 foot rollers. We were in a 18 footer. The only time I was concerned on the water..... Never went with that guy again. But it is up to you. I have gotten to the point where risk taking is not something I like to do anymore, at least at my advanced age of 59. LOL

It got a little dangerous at one point yesterday. Our rope broke and there was a barge down river about .5 mile. We were close to the bank so he would have missed us easily but it makes you understand how mistakes happen. We had another rope attached in about 1 minute. I have a boat also but I have been going with him to get the engine sorted out. Next time we will be going to a lake and I will be taking my boat also if no one else can go