oh - I have "good" clothes.. weddings, funerals etc... nice shoes, ties and all... but I loath the dang things.. oh, and I have sneakers... somewhere...
the old comfortable shoes that are loose and I can fit on and off without having to tie them... (Or is it Thai them....)
then the "good" pair of shoes that I use for everyday.... Until they get beat-up and become the second choice...
Then I have the second choice which are the last good shoes that are wearing out, but not as much as my "clunkers"... My clunkers have holes in the soles, so my socks get wet if I wear them when it's raining out, they are more of my around the house and just outside the house shoes...
Then I have about 5 pair of new ones that are waiting for the "good" daily pair to get demoted so they can be top dog for a while...