Stop in for a cup of coffee
I am GREAT !!! Good morning MD I have been up a couple hours and found a thread (other then this one) to post/help/hender in.
I thought I would share my input here to y'all just for chit's and giggles .
Copied, from the Big fan post I did.
Ok I live in the natural state of Arkansas, I know everyone here in the south enjoys a Breeze , We shoot the breeze and feel the breeze :steering:
Ok, lets get to my post I found two old attic fans and gave one to my son for our shop, Breeze (her name) keeps me and anyone cool on the deck and the bugs off us (Skeeter's) as we enjoy setting outside.
On the return side over the heavy screen (protector) put a window screen on it to grab all the skeeter's you can, at night lay a drop light by it and then go out with a spray bottle of plain old alcohol and be ready shut the fan off and as it slows spay the alcohol on the screen, don't even try and count how many skeeter's you killed just shack the screen and freak yourself out by how many there is :lol:
Meet Breeze :thumbsup:, and Buddy if you never have