Missed on this combo?

Oh jesus christ, they put the engine in a car, made a chassis dyno pull, and with tuning they increased the power over the BASELINE pull.... go read that twice if it doesnt yet make sense. The car was ran on drag radials, and I didn't say anything about ET....if you were very educated you would know it's simple physics a certain weight, at a certain MPH is a EXCELLENT indicator of power

No. What you said is "taken to a chassis dyno where I think they said they picked up 20 or 30 MORE horses". Which makes it sound like they picked power up over the engine dyno. See. Comprehension. So how much power did to make on the chassis dyno then? I still have yet to see any real graphs or even a number as proof. So far you've given me anecdotal evidence.

I know physics very well. Physics like if a tire is spinning half the track. It doesn't pickup nearly the ET or MPH it should. In fact today I watched a pro-mod go 4.28 at 151. In the 1/8th. Wanna guess why?

Your suggestion was to use a speed master head cause MRL made big power with them...I'm pointing out MRL didn't make the power you think

Nope. My suggestion was speedmaster cnc heads because he had made GOOD power with them before. And others have too. It's a 190cc intake. And they are a good alternative to the edelbrocks.