Magnum swapping the 72 Scamp!

Heres a couple of the other more fun projects I have done since owning. I have done lots of small stuff but I will stick to the larger stuff.

First big improvement was installing an HEI from classic hei (member here). Man did that make a difference in idle quality especially when using the AC. The coil does buzz a bit tho so I have to figure that out.

I wanted some tunes and the factory head unit wasn't producing any. I really liked the idea of keeping the single speaker so I put in a redirad AM converter, and got the correct speaker from another vendor. Then I just use spotify or whatever on my phone through the single speaker. Got an awesome old school sound but not stuck listening to just AM radio.


One thing that has really bugged me being tall is how close and high the bench seat sits to the wheel, not to mention sliding off of it around turns with the stiffened up suspension. So in the nature of craigslist spirit I scored some E46 BMW sport leather seats for a couple hundred bucks or so at some point and put them in. The look is probably not for everyone but damn if it doesn't make driving it SO much nicer. (don't have a photo of it done but they are both in there now)


In the process also found a couple copies of the build sheet under the carpet in the back.
