I'd either get reading at .050 tappet lift of .050-.100 down from max lift and degree it from there. I usually put that cam in about 106-107 depending on compression.
As Rob says...find TDC to set your degree wheel...turn the engine over until max lift is recorded on dial indicator .....set dial indicator to zero....turn engine over ...read indicator at .050 before max lift and after max lift...add two number together..divide by two....you can double check by using .100 before and after max lift...
also I dont know if those opening and closing of the intake valve are correct at Victory.......
what you can do...is turn engine over and reset dial indicator to zero on the heal of the cam.....rotate engine until .050 cam lift ....read the degree wheel....continue until you get to .050 cam lift before it hit zero....read the degree wheel....those will be the Opening and closing of the intake valve...plus it will give you the duration at .050....which victory say it is 241....
never used a 284 solid ..but the next two bigger ones ...i get 258 duration instead of the post 252 for the mopar 557 cam...and the 272 instead of 265 for the mopar 590 cam