Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah, we're stuck yet again with the niece and nephew and taking them to the county fair. I dont mind it but since my sister in law started her sleeping around BS that ended her marriage over the last couple months, everything has been falling on me and my wife. We took them to the neighboring county fair 2 weeks ago and now we get to take them again to our county fair to ride the midway rides. Mind you, we're paying for everything as my sister in law, who has a good job, suddenly has zero money and is about to loose everything, the vehicles, the house etc. Starting to really piss me off cause instead of taking her kids and doing stuff with them, she's driving 40 miles every evening to hang out with her current boy toy.

just say no

Then the kids will loose out, not the parent...

she's in the selfish "me" mode and the only thing that she's thinking of is herself....