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the oldest, the boy is 10. he is, the 6 yr old niece, she's babied and protected by mommy so she thinks she gets away with anything.... and sadly does. she'll hit, bite, kick, steal, etc. When she gets put in timeout, she screams and screams, we make her sit there until she stops. But when she goes home to mommy, we get chewed out for "being too mean to her". The boy on the other hand, no trouble at all and if he doesn do something and gets in trouble, he takes his punishment and moves on.

Yeah, she can't manipulate you like she can mom, so she's going to throw you under the bus for not letting her get away with it...

She goes home and whines to mommy how mean you were so she gets to play the victim and get that 'special' attention from mom....

She doesn't like that you discipline her and mom lets her get away with it..

She's playing her mom against you to try to manipulate you...

You should just keep your ground and hold it strong... She will at least learn to behave in front of you...

(She'll still be a brat around mom...)