Wanted to smack the kid!

................. After ordering my ice cream a young male worker ask's me what a MOPAR is. I didn't think at the time that I had on my FABO shirt 5 Things. My first reaction was to stare at this young man. Then I wanted to reach out across the counter and smack him! ............
I still think I should have smacked him first then explained.

OK look, if you really think what you posted, you are being a **** head. There are LOTS and LOTS of people who have no idea what MOPAR means, but the fact that he asked showed an interest. I bet you there are a fair amount of folks don't know what a Barracuda is/ was, or Plymouth Fury and on and on.

There are a HELL of a lot of this new stuff that I have to look up "in wonder" when I hear it in slang, as I have no idea what the youngsters are talking about