Gripe: "Restoration." Yea right.

I graduated HS is 1966. first car was a 49 chevy. it kept me from walking. I figure there were plenty of kids in the 80's that drove cars built in the 60's and 70's. most of which were probably not "muscle cars".. a kid that graduated HS is say, 1986 is now 48 years old. that generation is probably the last of the that actually had any memory of these cars first hand!? and most of those kids might have no doubt drove a modern car in HS!!!!
I am amazed at the number of people will swear their car has only 99,000 m. and a speedo that stops at 99,999 mi. do they ever think it has rolled over a time or two?? these same people are those that working (restoring) on their car ( but,hopefully, not paying for all the work done!!), and when it maybe comes up for sale for what ever reason, then the degree of " restoration " is a factor. or quality of work. or what "nuts and bolts" were used in this process. have you ever come behind someone to snap off grade 3 bolts they used on the water pump!??? ha
restored? probably the only time this term will mean anything is when this car if offered for sale. then, if FULLY restored, that is when the buyer and seller discuss if every part of this car has been rebuilt, replaced, or fixed and with what degree of quality as to parts and workmanship???? restored to one guy is a POS to another!!! anal retentive??
I am the last of that generation you speak of. i graduated in 1987. I drove a 68 charger with a 383. I got the car when i was 15 years old. Car was built in 68, i was born in 68. I learned and did some body work, a B5 blue repaint sprayed in the driveway, some interior and mechanical repairs, and drove it my senior year in high school.

It wasnt completed in time when i started driving my junior year, so i bought a 66 dodge coronet 2 door hardtop to drive until my charger was ready. Most kids from that timeframe i went to school drove 5-10 year old cars. Only a handful of us had 18-20 year old stuff in the parking lot.