Stop in for a cup of coffee

They test memory. Ask words then a few minutes later ask you what ones they were. Try to get a baseline.
I've been going down hill for a while now. Words don't look right to me. Math forget that.
People I should know i don't always recognize. Sometimes I bounce back and seem like me again. Then there are those other days.
That's part of my issue. It's not all the time. Hard to explain but sometimes I hear what people say, but it's like I hear it jumbled and I have to sort it out in my head. other times I just forget what I'm doing. Like making a pot of coffee. Done it a thousand times and just get lost in the middle of it. Make a pot of coffee and never put the grinds in it or never put the pot under it. Goes beyond normal forgetfulness. Get in the car to go to the store to get one thing and drive right past it by a few miles for a real wtf moment. Un-nerving.