What do you call the guys that complain about non stock cars?

In the Aircooled VW world we called them "Stock Nazis"
Now that Im back into Mopars I dont think that fits.
So - whats your favorite saying to the guys that complain when they see your car is not stock?
What do you call them?
You know the ones that cant keep there mouth shut about your Hood Scoop
or front end from a 69 when the car is a 70.

If you are one of "those guys" what do you call yourself?

Not trying to start an argument LOL!
Just quirious after I saw a post on a mopar FB page and someone complaining that the car in question had a hood scoop on it but otherwise looked stock.
I say "So F'in what, my car my way and if you don't like it, well, I can help you fix it." I stop, wait for the Inevitable reply, "How is that?!"
I say, "Look over there!" And point into the opposite direction, they turn around and look. "I come up besides them and say, "There, all fixed! Now you don't see my Car anymore!" Now gonwalknthat way so your not Offended by my car."

Oh yea, they get pissed and riled up. I normally hold up my hand to stop with a "Hold up! Hold up! Where is your car? I'd like a fair shot at picking apart your car!"

This is often followed by, "I ain't got one"
which is followed by
"Good, F-off until you get one. Then come back to me when you do so I can sh)$$&&@ all over your hard work no matter how good, correct or personal it may be.
Piss off! My car my way and don't you worry about what I destroyed or not!"