Improve those dash lights

Just so were all on the same page... 2 different type LED replacements out there. A single chip on top should work fine in a instrument panel at turn indicators and warning lamps where only the single direction light is required. The sellers descriptions state reverse lamps, etc.., so they do serve in parabolic or bowl like fixtures ( who am I to argue ).
I just can't imagine these would work well at our instrument panel cavity illumination. Not one sellers description that I have read suggests that application. That would require the multi-chip type.
So the way I "see the light" or think I understand them, perfect for my a-body rallye instrument panel is 4 of these and 4 of those.
Coins for a box full of Chinese junk? Big money for the wrong type LED? I've already made my mistakes at the bulb sockets so forgive me for waiting for yall to sort out the LEDs. Good luck