Stop in for a cup of coffee

  • Collision means the upset of your covered auto or its impact with another vehicle or object. For instance:
a. Running a stop light and hitting another car;
b. Swerving to avoid a deer and hitting a tree; or
c. Hitting a parked car, mailbox, or building.

  • Comprehensive coverage (other than collision) is for losses caused by missiles/falling objects, fire, theft/larceny, explosion or earthquake, windstorm, hail, water or flood, vandalism, contact with a bird or animal, or breakage of glass.
Right.... but this is what insurance companies do. If you tell them a rock hit your windshield going down the road as you were driving, it falls under collision.

If you tell them a tree branch fell and hit your windshield , it's comprehensive.

I worked for Farmers Insurance 2013-2014 as an agent. I can't tell how many times I seen them play that game or have someone calling me to switch because of it