e85 or stay with pump gas

Detonation happens when the air temp is higher than the fuel can control.
Methanal cools the intake charge as it enter.
Example, say you're eng like to detonate(with gasoline) when the air temp gets above 95 degrees. If you put a water injection system on, it will not detonate as the air temp has been cooled from the water turning into vapor.
Methanal cools better than water AND has a much higher octane level.

Methanol has a much larger tuning window because of all that.

methanol you can't see the flame.
Carb fires you can't see......It just won't start until you smother it with a rage or something.
In a crash you don't know if it took fire.
and that's why i like the e85. But as i have said. It's not available in my area, so not a good plan for me.