Stop in for a cup of coffee

WTF happened??

What? Geesh man. Are you sure you are ok?

You better get checked out. I know I am still dealing with my Memorial day adventure and I am glad you guys and others talked me into getting checked out. SO go get checked!

Oh no, I hope you are okay, Chris.

Are you gonna be ok???

I hope you didn't screw up your screwed up back....

Thanks all.

As to what happened, not really sure yet. I've got a Yamaha 4 wheeler, had it for about 10 years now. I was sitting on it with both kids taking them on a little slow putt putt ride around the yard. Been running fine for about 20 minutes. We were sitting stopped talking to my wife , I reached down and took it from park to drive and suddenly it went full throttle without anyone touching it. I grabbed all three brakes, front , rear and and trans brake and still couldn't stop. I couldn't get it slowed down or turned, all I could manage to do in the 20-30 feet before smoking the heavy duty live stock paneling fence and rolling was hold tight on to both kids and try turning . We caught the fence with the left side, being 4x4, the left side climbed the panels, right right dug into the dirt and over it went. Threw me and the kids off, I managed to lock me legs as I hit and keep the thing from coming top of us, it came to rest ontop of the fence post. Kids were on top of me, not even a scratch or bump. They were a little scared. I'm beat up pretty good and my back sure didn't get fixed in the process but I think everyone is ok

Neighbors came running, wife screaming while big scene.

We got the thing flipped back over, it has a safety kill switch for roll overs, reset that and it fired right up but goes straight to full throttle. I'm wondering if something broke on the carb and it went to straight wide open throttle. I know there is a cable from the gear shifter to the carb throttle that opens the blades up a tiny bit when you put it in gear to increase the rpms, I'm gonna check and see if that broke or maybe the throttle return spring broke. Either way, that was one scary and painful ride