Ever gotten money back from a machine shop?

I totally get what you're saying Yellow Rose. My friend and I discussed the fact that by me tearing into the motor it would probably void any warranties.
My friend who was helping me has built tons of motors. I wish he had the time to walk me through building this one but we both work like crazy. So, we decided we were better off just doing it ourselves. So we did.
If it had been just one mistake, this post wouldn't exist right now. But it was three basic ones. Also, it took longer than I was told and the cost exceeded the estimate.
I've had Mopar's for a long time. I know the drill. It was a culmination of all these things that left me feeling I didn't get what I paid for. Tomorrow I'm going to honestly explain all of this to him.
I probably will build my own next time but would love to give him a chance to keep me as a customer for machining. Simply put, it's just business. I'd have a hard time giving him more money/business if he doesn't at least acknowledge the mistakes and offer to make it right. I worked too hard for too long to be able to afford this engine. All I want to do is get back to the track! Lol.
In the end be glad you caught this stuff before any real damage was done.