Dialing in a Carter AVS

Find out whawhat size jets and ride are in there now. Select the kit with the closest rod and jets sizes.

If you have a 750 AVS then I would use one of there 750 jet kits. I do not know the differences between there AFB and there Thunder series AVS style carb. If there is any at all.

Generally speaking, the kit should have the ability to enrichen or lean out the carb from its base settings. For the most part, you will not need wildly larger or smaller jets.

The AVS Thunder kit I have has .092, .095, .098, .101, & .104 jets with .065/ .037, .042 & .047, & .070/.047$ .052 rods.
This gives you 25 combinations. Limited I know.

The older Carter strip kits have much more! If you can find one of those complete (or close) the 10-201 kit for the AFB has 6 rods & 16 jets for primary & secondary tuning.