This guy is totally SCREWED, and well he should be......

That would suck to have some roadside issue with a car, limp it to the parts store but due to mechanical failure ya end up causing a death on the way...then get 25 to life.

2 weeks is different just as are people.
Idk, I say a lot of old people hit the gas instead of the brake and wipe out buildings, people, and themselves...a lot.

Too many people on this rock
uhh.. there are limits to when you should "limp it to the parts store" and when you should call a tow truck.. knowing those limits will keep you from killing someone and doing 25 to life. uhh.. yep, that happens to old people who are typically a bit infirm and shouldn't be driving, it's a problem that has no easy answer - what does that have to do with this? uhh.. "too many people" - sooooo it's ok that someone died here - it just thinned the herd some more? you know the old "what if" game - yea, as in what if that was someone you cared about? so your answer is: BFD - just one less mouth to feed...?
If that guy had hit and killed someone close to me - he would be better off behind bars.. stupid f**k deserves whatever he gets.