This guy is totally SCREWED, and well he should be......

uhh.. there are limits to when you should "limp it to the parts store" and when you should call a tow truck.. knowing those limits will keep you from killing someone and doing 25 to life. uhh.. yep, that happens to old people who are typically a bit infirm and shouldn't be driving, it's a problem that has no easy answer - what does that have to do with this? uhh.. "too many people" - sooooo it's ok that someone died here - it just thinned the herd some more? you know the old "what if" game - yea, as in what if that was someone you cared about? so your answer is: BFD - just one less mouth to feed...?
If that guy had hit and killed someone close to me - he would be better off behind bars.. stupid f**k deserves whatever he gets.
Don't blame this on old age. This guy's mental age is 16 years old. Just like a teenage driver, he couldn't deal with an emergency. The idiot should have steered away from people and crashed his own ***.