Lunati Cam Noise

Naw, the scenario I just described --the cam was whisper quiet and progressively became louder. It didn't fart, miss, pop or give any indication of a cam failure. These Lunati grinds are quiet not like the COMP garbage. If yours has been loud for 12k miles then you either don't have a cam problem (more like pushrods hitting the heads?) or you don't know what a dead cylinder or 2 or 3 sound like. Furthermore maybe you don't know what it "should feel like-power wise" I have had many customers that didn't know when 1 or 2 spark plug wires were off and asking me why it was down on power. Its not that uncommon. J.Rob

Ok buddy. You want to debate how noisy is noisy with strangers on the internet go right ahead. :realcrazy:

You're right, I don't have a cam problem. There's nothing wrong with my engine at all. And I'm pretty sure, even if I hadn't been driving and working on classics my entire natural life, that my A/F gauge would probably tell me if I was carrying a couple of dead cylinders, or 3. Maybe. Like that might change if I dropped a couple lobes? And if I hadn't assembled the 340 in question and checked all the clearances before I fired it maybe I might worry about the pushrods, but pushrods hitting the heads wouldn't last 12k miles either, they'd bend or they'd make enough clearance not to hit anymore in that time. Or maybe you don't know that. I just thought I'd offer my opinion about the engine in question, knowing damn right well that there's nothing wrong with my engine, and that from a subjective standpoint some people might think it's a little noisy. But that's because it's a 400 hp 340 that's a little high strung, not a Honda.

But by all means, keep arguing about how noisy "noisy" actually is. Have fun.