shop lift liability?

After I had lived in our home for several years and had our pastures fenced but not our front yard and orchard behind our home. I had changed home owners insurance companies and without my knowledge they came to our home and walked our property while we were gone. Then I get a letter in the mail, they said I had to put a net around our kids trampoline(which they hadn't used in a couple years), and to remove some ivy growing up a concrete wall or I'd get dropped.
Had a similar situation. New homeowners insurance company said I had to remove all untagged vehicles from my property. I have several. My county, does not require tags, only that the vehicles are "serviceable" (can start, run, and move under their own power). The homeowners ins does not, will not cover the vehicles, but they were telling me I had to get rid of them. I didn't, I got rid of that ins company.
PS: The new company I found was actually cheaper.