shop lift liability?

The day I got the keys to my home our then insurance company stopped by to see the house they would be insuring. I literally had owned the home for all of 3 hours. Was in the process of moving in as the home had been a bank repo and has been unoccupied for the last year. Anyways the guy shows up and sees our rottweiler laying out in the yard and he asks me if it is my dog. I said yes, 8s that a problem. He said, "no not for me". 2 days later I get a letter saying that either the dog goes or my coverage goes. I found a new company, as I had our dog for 10+ years at that point. They said rottweilers, pit bulls, German Shepherd, doberman, and a few other breeds were not covered under their policies. Turns out neither was livestock related claims. So I found out to cover my self, if say my cow jumped the fence and got hit by a car to cover any loss or damage for me or a motorist I has to either have a rider policy or be a paid member of the farm bureau. Then once I got a letter saying that my bushes in front of my house were too big and blocked right if way view. Lol. I had only owned the home 2 weeks at thay point. The stuff they try and force down your throat to keep a policy either current or affordable.