The difference between men and women according to me!

530pm Her - we should put the kids to bed early tonight so we can spend some time alone before bed.
Me - sounds good to me.
730pm Me - let's take them up for baths, books and bed.
Her - what are you always so "let's take them now" about bed time.
930pm Her - we need to get up stairs for baths, but stops in the kitchen to get them a snack.
Me - OK
1030 - they both are finally out.
1045 - she showers.
11pm - i shower.
Her - we need to go to bed. Your day sarts early.
Me - I thought we were putting the kids down early so we could spend some time together before we went to bed.
Her - you need to relax about bed times.

I love her to no end, but sometimes I just can't keep up.............

So tonight she goes out to get her nails done for her sisters wedding this friday. 740, I take the kids up for baths. Back down at 810, when she gets home, for a quick snack. I get "the look" for giving them snacks that she doesn't think they need cuz they just had dinner 3 hrs ago. Yet, if she had been home, they would have had the same snack 30 minutes later and then went up for baths........ AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!