318 exhaust size

454 lift/272 adv. dur.
It was part of the low dollar 318 build.....
I have used this intake duration cam from a couple of sources with excellent results on mild hop up engine builds.

318WR used it wth, IMO, excellent results and considering his restraints of dollar limits, it was a great job.

If you can move beyond the restraints that were self imposed, I would just recommend some gear like a 3.21/3.23 - 3.55 ratio. Wider tires and rear suspension help.
Anything further would be really well prepared heads.

That low cam duration will still work with the stock converter so you can save money on that and retain decent mileage while making good everyday driver power that will get up and go nicely.

Our long time missing member from the beginning days of FABO, Mike Beck (who is doing well by the way) ran his Duster into the mid 12's with the Crane version, 272/284 -.454/.480/112