How "safe" are prisons?

I worked in a county jail for 5 years. Let me tell you that it is no walk in the park. Having feces and urine thrown on you, being the only officer to break up a fight, transporting a prisoner somewhere by yourself, transporting 10 to 12 prisoners to state prison with only one other officer. Dealing with physicological serial killers, while trying to have 8 eyes to see everything that is going on around you. Having to stand in an operating room while they operate on a prisoner because you cannot take your eyes off of them for a second, sitting in their hospital room so no one has access to them. Always checking their cuffs and chains so they are secure. That is why I jumped at the chance to transfer to the unit that works prisoners outside of the jail, minimum security of course. Try doing that job and come home and lead a normal life. It takes a special kind of person to withstand and sustain this life style. Sorry for the rant but some people take so much for granted these days and have no idea what is going on in the real world just to keep them safe. I know crime will never stop but you have to appreciate the things our law enforcement does on a daily basis to keep some kind of order, so regular people can go about their daily routine safely.