4 row radiator

People that say there's such thing as too much cooling probably also have chevys and fords

Or maybe they've actually had a bunch of thermodynamics classes on their way to engineering degrees and actually understand how a cooling system is supposed to work.

But it's all good, run a radiator so big you have to run a tiny anemic pusher fan. I'm sure that'll work great. Hey, while you're at it throw in a giant cam to use with the stock valve springs, and run some nice wide, sticky tires with some 9" brakes. Should be a good time. :rolleyes:

There's a lot more to the cooling system than just the radiator. Running a giant radiator and a tiny fan is inefficient and counterproductive. Matched components will give the best result. You know, like running the biggest radiator you can while still leaving room for a decent sized, capable fan. That doesn't even address the fact that each additional core is less effective than the last, adding cores is a diminishing returns game. Sure, there's a gain, but a 3 core with a good fan will outperform a 4 core with a small fan. If you have the room, great, run a 4 core. If you don't (and on an early A you don't!) maximize cooling system efficiency, not just radiator size. That means having enough room to run a good, high volume fan.