Z bar help on TTI headers

me too in a 68 Barracuda.

But your fork appears to be either twisted or not properly installed.
Also take a look at the bottom bolt that secures the inner Z-bar anchor; it kindof appears to not be screwed all the way in, or could it be too long?
And make sure the Z-bar is not shifting sideways.

You might want to give some thought to how you're gonna adjust the freeplay once the header is in there. I removed one of those jam nuts, put a spacer on the rod, and then put the nut on the aft end of the rod. Now I can stick a socket on the aft nut, unlock it, then reach in to the forward nut and just give it a turn or two, then lock the aft nut again. I lost the aft nut once and the adjustment went away. So I drilled a hole in the rod, out towards the back, and put a hairpin in it.Problem solved. This only works if the proper swivel washer is installed. IIRC I used a spare spacer that was once used to space the alternator off the head.