Is my engine low on vacuum????????????? Help?????

OK, the card shows IO@32degBTDC & EC@30degATDC, so 62deg overlap & yes, 106 centerline.....4deg that where they installed it? For reference, the
Purple Shaft std.292/.508 cam is [email protected] w/76deg overlap & rec'd installed on 108deg centerline.................You should have more vacuum, and prob. need a bump
in idle speed to 9-950..........................whenever I install a cam, I always "cheat" the centerline advanced a tick of the target, for the simple fact that it is usually done
w/o all the valvesprings loading the chain & only being rotated by hand. During running & as soon as the chain starts to relax, the CL will "come in" to it's target......
I hope so. They had the cam card at the time.