Troubles with car

But say you really wanted to keep that 268* cam, and it is;
Well an acquaintance of mine found a small-main 3.58 crank. All he did was jam that crank in there with the pistons that were in there,which of course popped up; 1/2 the stroke difference or .133. This popped the pistons up out of the hole. But with the .039 FelPros and open chamber 360 heads, there was room to accommodate that. The compression came out a little high so he took a little off the top of the teener slugs, leaving the Q-pad alone, Thus making a step-dome This also provided a little room for pv clearance.
I bet hundreds of guys have done this with those mid to late 70s teeners with the pistons way down in the holes.
Anyway I don't recall anything about the cam. But I do remember how hot that little 344 was.
I'm guessing the Scr was about 10.5 (I did a little math), and with a 268* in at 110 cam it looks like;
Static compression ratio of 10.5:1.
Effective stroke is 2.79 inches.
Your dynamic compression ratio is 8.40:1 .
Your dynamic cranking pressure is 170.32 PSI.
V/P (Volume to Pressure Index) is 138...........................................................138VP
That's probably too much Dcr for even 91 gas, but get a load of the VP.

Dropping the Scr a bit, it looks like this
Static compression ratio of 10.1:1.
Effective stroke is 2.79 inches.
Your dynamic compression ratio is 8.09:1 .
Your dynamic cranking pressure is 162.22 PSI.
V/P (Volume to Pressure Index) is 130 ...totally doable....................................130VP

Or retarding the cam to 114, and back at 10.5, I get
Static compression ratio of 10.5:1.
Effective stroke is 2.69 inches.
Your dynamic compression ratio is 8.14:1 .
Your dynamic cranking pressure is 163.52 PSI.
V/P (Volume to Pressure Index) is 127..........................................................127VP

So it looks like 127 to 130 is about as good as it can be with a 268* cam, which is really really good for a 318 with a big cam. OOps I mean 344 cuber,lol. This rivals the 132VP of the factory teener with the Scr boosted up to 9.25, but of course the top-end rush at 10.5 with the 268 will be phenomenal, for a 318/oops 344

But again, to reiterate, it's probably cheaper to just start with a 360

Sometimes just because it can be done, doesn't mean you should try it.