Is my engine low on vacuum????????????? Help?????

I would have expected 11-12 in of vacuum without advancing the ignition timing. Where did your idle RPM's end up with the change in timing? If at 850-900 now, then the vacuum increase is just due to that IMHO. If still at 800, then good.

For reference: My son's 340 is almost identical, with the same heads and intake and 10.0 SCR: 268 Crane cam and 112 LSA and slower ramps so the overlap is less, which helps the vacuum, so it is a bit different there. It is at 14" at 800 RPM with 15 initial. Cam timing is at 107 ICL. We had a lower vacuum initially (11"), but fixed the PCV and also fixed the secondary stop screw setting and that brought the idle vacuum up to the 14" range.

What PCV do you have? Do you have headers?

Also, are you racing this on the strip or just cruising? I ask because with your SCR and the cam and other parts, you're gonna have plenty of low and mid RPM torque, and I'd not be pushing the initial very hard with that SCR, unless I was trying to wring out just a bit more time on the strip. But, I suspect with your engine, getting the tires to hook up with all the torque that you already should have (and that the dyno torque numbers says you have) is a much bigger deal, and putting earlier timing into it just makes that harder to manage.

So understanding what you are wanting to achieve here is important.

1. Idle is 900 now. The vacuum bounces around between 10'' to 11''.
2. Should I expose the Transfer slots in the secondaries. I know when I square them in the front venturies, I lose that because I have to turn the idle screw and expose them even more to get the right idle speed.
3. PCV is just whatever the parts store handed me for a 340. I am now starting to realize that doesn't always work in the fine tuning world, which is what I am trying to learn now. I grew up in a world where you just set the timing by ear adjust the idle speed and let it go. If the gas fumes burn your eyes, oh well. Lol. But those were also mostly stock engines.
4. I have hooker competition headers.
5. Just a street cruiser.
6. As for torque, I have not had this engine over 4000rpm yet but I did get it rolling in first gear ( manual trans ) up around 15 mph and nailed it, started to boil the tires but I let out of it before the rpm's jumped up. Gonna be a fun toy when I learn more about tuning.