Mopars @E-Town Aug.26-27 who coming..

I think a big part of it is an age thing.
Half The people that made it big in the 90s are probably dead. the rest that don't go, are just 20+ years older and would rather complain about it than go. Not everyone is into the same things they were 20 years ago.
The ones that drove the prices of the car hobby up to get the car they wanted when they were kids have the car but the novelty wore off. They have them sitting in the garage doing nothing and aren't selling them because people now don't want to pay what they paid for the car.
It's a mopar event at a drag strip. If you have a car that is worth running then it's worth going. How can you really go wrong?
The swap meet thing isn't what it used to be in general that's everywhere. How many people with an abody crawl the swap meets for something? I don't think I ever bought anything that I've used on my cars at any kind of swap meet. More parts are available new and you can sit at home and buy whatever you want and have it shipped to your door. So no it's not the best place to find some Obscure part, but you might find something you can use.
The car show? It's a car show. Go to enough of them and you see the same crap. How many people on here are into parking their butt in a chair with their car at a show all day? I'm not into that but I also feel I don't have a show car. Most cars at a show don't interest me.

Is Carlisle what it was 10 years ago? Last time I went I thought it too sucked.
I'd still like to go to all these events, hang out and race with some of these forum people. I just don't have the time myself to attend everything, and I'm sure a lot of people are in the same boat.