I love this time of year

How do seeds and plants and trees, know which direction is up?
If you answer "gravity",then you must assume plants were created by God, knowing a little bit about something they don't have a brain to know anything about,right? Why not go straight to the obvious; God created them to know which way is up. They are ,as are we,fearfully and wonderfully created. At least there's no doubt in my mind about that. I like to think they are reaching out to heaven, as that first little leaf breaks out under the firmament and says"here I am Lord, thank you for giving me life", then it's little leaf breaks open, as tho unfolding it's praying palms, and spreads them apart, like I imagine Moses at the parting of the sea. I love that picture.
How do things in eggs, know when it's time to bust outta that prison?
How does a butterfly larva know when to build it's cocoon?
How does a baby know when it's time to be born?
How is that when I ponder these thoughts I cannot help but reflect on the awesomeness of the One who planted me in my mother's womb, and endowed me with the strength and stamina and health,and the desire to swim harder,faster,and longer to reach the goal, first. I was a God-created winner from before the beginning.
And so is everyone reading this.
When I ponder on longevity and recall that most of my ancestors were long-lived, and died peacefully in their sleep,still healthy,just full of years; then I realize that I have only recently entered my third "trimester". So as we enter fall, and the colors explode, I am reminded that I am in the fall of my allotted years. May the Lord God Almighty bless me and keep me healthy right until my last breath, like my ancestors; and may the blessing extend to all of you out there, whose names are written in the Book of Life,amen.
There's a few people that don't know which way is up as well.