New skyscraper in San Francisco has ruined the skyline

I miss the Colorado from when I was a kid. Decent people and farms.

I bet your Dad and I would get along real good. I have a pretty fair idea as to how the Indians felt when they had their homes and way of life destroyed in the name of progress. I don't know how old you are but I witnessed the influx of hippies in the late sixties and seventies. It's ironic that they were run out of California and settled here for their peace and freedom, only to have the the uppity Californians that ran them off follow them.
Do I ***** about it? Goddam right I do. I get called an asshole and I respond with "goddam right I am". I don't even give people the right of way if they have out of state plates on their car. They can go back to wherever the **** they came from if they don't like it.