NFL football players not honoring our flag

dallas cowboys..... they locked arms and kneed down BEFORE the opening of the game, then they all locked arms and respected the anthem and or flag....and from what I understand Jerry Joes, the owner, told them they all were employed by him, and that was the way it would go down, HIS WAY..... OR they would be looking for a job somewhere else.
NFL, all pro sports, and Hollywood...... none of it is really the REAL world. ..... our armed forces that fight to keep this country free EVERY day.... those are people are the REAL world... our real heros!!!!!!! way past time for our REAL HEROS to be placed on a pedistal and not pro athletles......

Barbee...I know it sounds patriotic but the same thing they say on the internet about what Jerry Jones said has been attributed to several different owners and coaches word by word. One of those untrue internet meme's.