NFL football players not honoring our flag

and the fans that aren't in the south are southern wanna bees. most are also white and there is no way a white guy can even imagine what non-whites have gone through in their life.

I disagree, I can imagine what other people go through. I can empathize with them. I do not have to experience what others experience to consider how I would feel if I were to walk a mile in their moccasins.

Everyone goes through the same general stuff in life.

"She's hot I wanna ask her out, but she'll just shoot me down."
"Hey dad, can I have the car keys?"
"I don't want to do my homework."
"Do I gotta eat my vegetables?"
"How much raman do I gotta eat to make this paycheck stretch till next friday?"
Insane mother-in-law,
Wife getting breast cancer.
SPAM email,
keeping up with the Joneses,
social standing amongst peers,
rejection, humiliation, recognition, anger, love, jealousy, pride, joy, responsibility,
Death and taxes.
Generalize these experiences, and I bet you will be able to check almost all of them off as something you, or someone you knows has gone through. These are not restricted to black people, white people, asian people, hispanic people.

The human condition is pretty universal, no matter what group of people you are born into. If one is discriminated against, is that due to some overall conspirace, or is it individuals expressing their dislike for you, whether it be because your sex, religion, race? The only way to deal with how individuals in society treat any of us is on an individual basis. Any other approach is hypocrisy. How can I be fair if I complain about a group of people when I am not dealing with a group? Interpersonal interactions are not mob vs one...

The argument of, "You don't understand because..." is a specious argument and very narrow minded.

My thoughts on the original post;
What these players have done is completely within their rights. Do I think it was an intelligent thing to do? Absolutely not. Could they have actually accomplished much more had they done this off the field, perhaps by forming a player's club, all donating time and money for community outreach and education? What these players have done is taken an opportunity to do some good and thrown a lot of ugliness up in the air to land on everyone, creating hard feelings all the way around and pretty much guaranteeing that they would NOT accomplish anything of benefit to our society. In essence, they opened their mouths before engaging their brains. Now the coaches, teams, owners, and the NFL is doubling down on a losing behavior. The only winners here (and this is only a short term win) are the "news" media, in the long run they are losers too, since they are owned by the networks, and they are certain to lose, and lose big through lost ad revenue.

The players, coaches, owners, teams, and league crossed a line of impropriety and they will pay the price for it. The same goes for any other public figures that stick their toes in the waters of politics and social causes. It remains to be seen if the involved parties will learn a lesson from this.

I don't think I need to say anything more.