NFL football players not honoring our flag

and the fans that aren't in the south are southern wanna bees. most are also white and there is no way a white guy can even imagine what non-whites have gone through in their life.
Really, unless You're black, You've never been discriminated against, never been passed over for employment/promotion, never beaten for not complying w/a
lawful order, never mistakenly shot by an edgy officer of the law, never"fell down the steps" at the station, never"slipped getting in/out" of the paddy wagon, never been
pulled over for nothing other than You/Your rides appearance, never had Your house burned because of who You are or what You believe/represent, never were in the
minority where You were considered a second class citizen or worse, never had laws passed strictly to cause hardship to Your particular community, never sold into
slavery by other races and Your own, never followed around a store, never called insulting or demeaning things, never had family dis-own You because of a relationship
with someone "outside" Your nationality/religion, never been so poor that Your family starves, .......................................................................................