NFL football players not honoring our flag

I dont watch it. Never did. Waste of my time. Only time i realize theres some sort of big game is when i wander into walmart and see beer and chips on sale to stock up for "the big game" i buy the beer n chips to stock up my shop fridge, or use that afternoon to shop at lowes for home project materials. Place is a lot more deserted on game day.

Bunch of overpayed prima donnas. This country gave them everything including their million dollar salaries, and they cant stand for 3 minutes and show respect for the flag and anthem that represents the country that gave them so much. Kapernick, born black, raised in a white family, put thru college. The ultimate recipient of white priveledge, whatever the hell that is.

NFL picks and chooses. No to cleats honoring 9-11 victims, but yes to socks depicting police as pigs, among other things. Sounds like they are on the wrong side of things. Do what you want f@@kers, you will keep pissing off your fan base. Its your first amendment right to protest, sure and its everybody elses first amendment right to turn your channel off, not buy your NFL merchandise, and not go to your games. F@@k the NFL They can kiss my ***.