NFL football players not honoring our flag

So, because of "what non-whites have gone through in their life" this gives people, including millionaire black (or white, whatever) sports players, the right to disrespect the United States flag, and everything it represents? I just don't get it, never will, no matter what kind of twisted logic you want to throw out there.

the protest has nothing to do with disrespecting the flag,military or police. they have been very clear about that. have you ever looked in to how a lot of those guys grew up? its not about them now (millionaires).. its more about what millions like them(while growing up)have to deal with today. a ton of those guys(millionaires) donate a ton of money and time in trying to better their community. they are using the platform they were given by their god given athletic ability to peacefully protest things that they think need to be changed.

i have talked to and read many responses from active and former military. the majority that i have seen are ok with what they are doing. they say that thats what they served for.. to keep american people able to peacefully protest. you don't have to like it but thats how change happens and there is still a ton of change in the race dept that still needs to be done in this country.

there is just no way possible being a white guy (myself) can ever imagine what these guys have had to deal with growing up and what millions of non-whites still have to deal with today.

its funny that so many are for free speech until its something they personally don't agree with..

in the end it comes down to if you don't like it then don't watch.. its your right to turn to another of the 100's of channels out there.