NFL football players not honoring our flag

Everyone goes through the same general stuff in life.

"She's hot I wanna ask her out, but she'll just shoot me down."
"Hey dad, can I have the car keys?"
"I don't want to do my homework."
"Do I gotta eat my vegetables?"
"How much raman do I gotta eat to make this paycheck stretch till next friday?"
Insane mother-in-law,
Wife getting breast cancer.
SPAM email,
keeping up with the Joneses,
social standing amongst peers,
rejection, humiliation, recognition, anger, love, jealousy, pride, joy, responsibility,
Death and taxes.

ummmm. you forgot being racially profiled because you aren't white.

Could they have actually accomplished much more had they done this off the field, perhaps by forming a player's club, all donating time and money for community outreach and education?

a ton of them already do that... and no they could not promote the awareness off the field like they are doing on the field. on field on that platform reaches a ton more people. thats pretty obvious by how the internet has blown up..