Windshield trim

Thanks for the replies. Also had some trouble getting the windshield trim to stay clipped on. The glass guy thinks I should use rivets and not the screws that came with the clips. He says the thinner heads of the rivets will let the clips hold the trim better. Any thoughts ?

We never used rivets and what this guy is saying doesn't make since to me. Anyways look at the trim where the clips lock. Make sure trim is bent the same all the way the around in that location. Hard to explain but where the trim was locked before the lip on the trim will be bellied out some. We would move the clips over left or right to avoid the previous used location on the trim or fix the trim or both.
The clips need to be good thick USA made clips. If they are these China made clips then the trim will never hold. If you had a china clip and a usa clip side by side you would see and feel the the difference immediately.
When all said and done installing the clips... working on the trim I actually had to bend the clips so the trim would snap on.. lol