Borgeson steering box quick question

there was definitely nothing easy with this installation either

1. My Dougs headers sucked had to heat #1 tube several times and prybar it clear of the steering box.
2. Had to remove the motor mount, battery box I figured and expected that anyhow.
3. One of the Borgeson box housing holes I had to slightly make bigger so the box would line up with the factory holes.
4. Had to tap and die that factory hole and bolt after the box didn't quite line up on the first, second and third attempt...till I figured out why the bolt wasn't threading.
5. The steering coupler was no easy task to get it on the box as it fit extremely super tight.
6. Some starting point with the steering wheel/ratio turns etc. heres where some instructions or manual would have helped.
7. Now I got to play with the steering wheel hopefully I can get it set straight cause the coupler is definitely not going to come off easy without swearing and bloody knuckles.

On the plus feels real tight on the steering very responsive and no slop like a plain Jane 1972 steering box is, now everything is fresh and newish on the front end.

Yes, the coupler is very very tight and I had a ***** of a time with the seal clamp thing too.

I didn't have too much other trouble because the whole K-Frame of was off. I was able to bolt it down on the bench.

My Dougs headers hits as well. I tried to give it a little dent, but really couldn't since the steering box was already in place. So I just left it as is and hoping for the best.

Yes, steering is very much improved. Although, it seems like it could use more pressure coming from the pump.