A 1974 Duster - My 2nd one, 41 years later!
Got the hood done with epoxy sealer....the second time. I learned a good lesson....My primer gun has a 1.8mm tip and when shooting the 2K primer, full throttle on the fluid control works great, keep the gun moving and don't run the paint and all is perfect. When shooting epoxy sealer/primer if you keep the fluid control setting the same as the 2K you may get out gassing (I did) which leaves little ugly pock marks everywhere. It is caused by too much fluid (paint) and the gases in the paint can't get out cleanly. Leaves a mess. I learned this the hard way. Had to sand it all down until it was gone or darn near all gone. The second go round I turned "in" the fluid control knob, two full turns and went at it in much lighter coats. All good this time, paint laying flat as can be!

IMG_4611 by
Alexl5280, on Flickr