Red Headed Stepchild-75 Swinger LSX Swap

Hey Dude
I saw all the hate posts on Facetube. Most of those clowns don't even own classic cars. I like your reasons for the LS move. If it's right for you that's all that matters. I did my Duster over with hot rodded OEM stuff, but that's what worked for me. I like your passion and drive for the project.
Thank you for your service!
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Thanks alot man, im going to keep it going and keep sharing the pics and info. every time I share something in that page 10-15 people message me or add me and ask for info on it. So there are plenty more thinking it, they're just afraid to say it. I on the other hand, am not. I gotta clear some more room in the tunnel today to get the forward to aft angle right but ither than that i love how it sits.