Engine balance after new pistons

Am I safe to say that a good balance job frees up horsepower?

Yes. The bearings will look better. I've seen some weird stuff from harmonics that you can't always feel. Had a 408 done by another shop that would back off the rocker arm adjusters for no paper ant reason.

I fought it for awhile and then pulled the engine to see what was going on. It was a steel crank with good parts but the balance job was done with Mallory. After weighing all the stuff, hanging bobweights and spinning the crank it was over balanced by a bunch. Like 61% over balance (rather than the 50% it should have been). I know the shop that did it and I told them what was going on. They weren't happy they didn't get a chance to fix it. After talking to him we agreed he made a math calculation error. It can happen. He should have caught that a fairly light bobweights needed heavy metal.

I fixed the balance job and the adjusters backing off stopped. The crazy thing is it didn't shake. You couldn't feel it out of balance. I know some single cylinder stuff I'd over balanced that far but I've never seen that before.