Boredom strikes.

Did you say several TONS of aluminum scrap?? Nice!!

We live about 15 minutes from a MASSIVE aluminum company called Logan Aluminum, last I heard they provide all the aluminum sheeting that is used in pop/beer cans in the US. They haul ingots in there by semi and train. Those ingots are huge. Probably 3x5x20 or something like that. I'd love to have just one. Lol

Just the other day I thought instead of hauling crushed cans and other aluminum scrap into the scrap yard I might start melting it down into small ingots and stack em up somewhere until scrap is high again.

Yeah, several tons. I looked at the pile one day and then looked at my Dumptruck (with a 9-1/2' Dumpbed) and realized I had no hope of hauling it in like that and that's where the idea sprung forth. I was bored and thought "hey, if I melted it down, it would take less trips to haul."

Once I started to melt it down, I thought about how nice it'd be to actually turn those cubes of fresh aluminum into car parts. Start out with simple stuff (bezels, emblems, etc) and work my way up to really wild stuff (intakes, heads, etc)