Advice: What To Do, If Anything.....

I know what I am going to do. And for me, it's gonna be tough, but it's my only choice if I want this fixed anytime soon.

I am going to do it myself. I am ok once ON the roof, it's just gettin there that's the nightmare. I am going to reseal all four vents and also seal every single screw on the roof. It may take a span of several of my days off, but that's what I have decided to do.

Also, I agree about the not paying part. That's not in me to do......I do owe him and he was nice enough to finance. The job should have been right when finished, though.

Does anyone know of an actual GOOD spray seal product similar to Flex Seal that really works well? I have some brush on sealant, but doing every screw would take forever. Something to spray on would be much faster.

As someone who worked in insurance, I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend against that. There are several issues with you doing it. Some from a legal stand point and others from an insurance stand point.

The insurance company paid to have work done, if it was not done properly, I.E. , it still leaks, legally that contractor must fix it. If they don't, the insurance company will pay someone else and recoup their money in the courts.

Now if you go doing it yourself, multiple bad things can result.

Let's say you do get it flex sealed or whatever, but in 2-3 years, you or a guest falls thru the floor that rotted from the puddling of the leaking roof. Now what will happen is your insurance company is gonna send an inspector out, that inspector is gonna go over the floor, and the roof, he'll find your flex seal job, since the roof was repaired and paid for by the insurance company, they're gonna pull the materials list they paid for, they're not gonna find flex seal on it, they'll question you and the contractor. When they find out that the roof was still leaking and you failed to report that to them and tried to fix it yourself, they're gonna deny your claim and you'll be liable for all damages and medical bills if needed. and if it happens to another person, you can be sued for negligence. The insurance company can also drop you for this black flagging you and making your rates higher with another company.

Now you may get lucky and never have this happen, but if you do, you'll be in a world of hurt

Let me put it another way, if you paid to have your car repainted and you pick it up but they forgot to paint half the quarter panel, are you gonna fix it yourself or insist the Painter you paid to do it fix it?