Stop in for a cup of coffee

Funny you say that, we just had that conversation at work this week. It was pretty much unanimous that we would all be happy to have pizza for one of our meals everyday...

The only caveat was that we would just want the kind of pizza to have some variety.
If you ever make it here to my area, I'm taking you to the local brewery/pizzeria. It is by far the best pizza I've ever had. And I've had pizzas in most states and 3 countries. Everything from mom and pop places to chains, NOTHING comes close to this place. Course part of it might be it's all 100 percent fresh, right down to the flour they use is harvested from their own wheat fields and processed into flour manually. All veggies are grown in their greenhouse and even the sausage, pepperoni etc comes from their own farm raised hogs and goats and cows